How we can support and assist you during the current COVID-19 crisis
The outbreak of COVID-19 and the measures imposed by Governments around the world to contain it are having unprecedented impacts on all sectors of society. We do not need to elaborate on that - enough has been said by others.
Our priorities are the needs and wellbeing of both our clients and our staff. We know that many of you are dealing with pressures and issues that were not envisaged even a few short weeks ago.
We have taken steps, so far as possible, to continue to provide our full range of services. We will let you know if that changes as a consequence of the current environment and public health advice.
We are ready to support and assist you with regard to particular legal issues arising from COVID-19, including the following:
- advising employers in relation to work health and safety, absenteeism, leave, flexible work arrangements, stand down and redundancy;
- advising employees in relation to the commencement and termination of employment and their right to request flexible work arrangements and take leave;
- reviewing and advising on contracts and contractual obligations that have been affected by COVID-19, including termination, frustration and force majeure;
- business restructuring and asset acquisition or disposal;
- advising lessors and lessees in relation to their rights under their leases, including in relation to the payment of rent and termination;
- dispute resolution in increasingly high pressure circumstances;
- privacy and cybersecurity with employees increasingly working remotely;
- wills, power of attorney, enduring guardianship and estate planning; and
- the "emerging legislation" in response to COVID-19.
Please let us know if there is any way in which we can support you. You can contact us in the usual manner by email and telephone or by using our enquiry form link. In addition, as we are mindful of the restrictions on socialcontact and the possible adverse implications of travel, we are able to meet with you in video conferences.
In the meantime we hope you will remain safe and well as you deal with the challenges of the present climate.