Legal Risk Management
Prevention is the obvious common-sense goal of sound risk management. We view legal risk management as a core business function.
What were once seen as legal obstacles become an integral part of the systems which support business growth and security. In this context compliance becomes a dynamic part of a business's processes - it adds value to assets and enhances performance.
In partnership with clients, we seek to develop an integrated legal management perspective.
In this way the legal work we undertake is not carried out in isolation. It forms part of a planned strategy for achieving better business outcomes. This is something which can't be achieved by imposing elaborate compliance systems from the outside.
We achieve this through the interaction of three processes: legal mapping, core legal advice and representation, and compliance.
Focus areas include:
- trade practices, consumer protection, fair trading
- employment, occupational health and safety, equal opportunity, unfair dismissal and disability law
- corporations law
- intellectual property
- industry development, environmental law
- banking